As our customers or anyone who has held Fram Equipment can see, the straps and slings in our backpacks are cross-stitched. Or rather, a cross in a square. Why do we use this particular sewing method?
There is some debate as to which is stronger: a nice zigzag stitch on a stapling machine, or large squares with diagonals (called BOX-X) when making power stitches. Here, many manufacturers, including us, took the experimental route that where there is a strong base - of course, it is logical to use a powerful seam of a fastening machine. It is beautiful, strong, and fast.
But where the sewing happens to a thin fabric, and all ultalight things are exactly that, this story does not pass. The stapler makes a lot of holes in the fabric and weakens it. The result will be the tearing of the entire seam, along with the fabric.
Therefore, thinning of the seam stitches is used here. And the best method is the big Box-X. Of course, where there is a place for it. It can also be done with a special fastening machine.
There are mostly squares in our backpacks. They have a drawback - they are not so beautiful. Therefore, in the same Tempo backpacks, all these seams are hidden as much as possible in the twists of the fabrics to have a more attractive look.
But on ultimate backpacks, where we generally avoid unnecessary seams, there is no need to do without external seams. This is a tribute to reliability and weight.