The Carpathians are unique, incredibly beautiful mountains. Unfortunately, this beauty is constantly under threat. Deforestation, construction, off-roading, and river pollution are destroying the ecosystem. Today, we want to talk about conservation initiatives in the Carpathians.

"Free Svydovets" is a group of activists fighting to preserve the wilderness of the Svydovets massif. This Carpathian ridge is known for its meadows and glacial lakes. A few years ago, a project to build a mega-resort emerged, which would distort or even destroy the nature and landscapes of the Svydovets ridge. Free Svydovets activists are working to prove the illegality of the construction in court and achieve its cancellation, collaborate with international organizations, and inform the public about the problems of protecting the Carpathians.

You can subscribe to their page, share petitions, and follow the court sessions. The more people get involved, the better the chance of preserving the wild nature of the Carpathians.


"Save Borzhava" is an initiative to protect the nature of the Borzhava ridge. There were plans to build wind turbines right on the ridge. The construction of wind turbines would irreversibly distort the ecosystem of Borzhava and is actually unprofitable for the Ukrainian energy system. Borzhava defenders have conducted several studies proving the harm of wind turbines in the mountains. They are also engaged in legal work in court to finally cancel the construction.

Similar problematic wind turbine construction projects exist on Polonyna Runa and the Vododilny ridge.


Deforestation in the Carpathians has long been a painful issue. Currently, a pressing problem is the new bill 9516, which allows for an increase in the volume of sanitary logging without inspection. This increases the potential for logging healthy forests. Several organizations, such as NGO Ecosphere, Ecoaction, and the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (UNCG), are working on advocacy regarding deforestation issues. Their pages also feature interesting research and materials about Ukrainian forests.

However, there have been positive developments with off-roading in the Carpathians. In February 2024, a new bill was passed that more strictly limits jeep travel in protected areas and increases responsibility for violations. This was all thanks to a petition signed by concerned citizens.


No one will protect our Carpathians except ourselves. Only through active involvement and concern do we have places to hike. Let's protect the Carpathians together.